i'm possible


Today begins day one of my 125-day marathon training. It's a keep-your-cap-down and focus only on the steps right in front of you kind of day.

I went out for a run with my daughter yesterday and let myself down, as I couldn't take more than a five mile run. While she pushed saying I could do it, I had to stop, and essentially quit on my own child. She went on for another seven miles. If that doesn't hurt your spirit, nothing does. I looked down at my clock the moment I stopped. The dreaded 45 minute mark. It's such a breaking point for me. Why at 45 minutes, I don't know. On day one of this training, I still have no idea as to how I'll be able to run for over four hours let alone 45 minutes.

I decided that I was going to sign up for a full marathon, unknowingly, in the last mile of the 1/2 marathon I ran last year. You see, there is a point in the race where the full and 1/2 marathons runners split. The people running the full go one way and the 1/2 marathoners are yards from the finish. If you can imagine at this split people cheering, the build up, the emotion. It's all here. What was not comprehendible was the fact that the people continuing to run another 13.1 miles had to hear all of this excitement of "you're all most there", "only 500 more yards to go", "you'll get to rest in 30 secs", etc.  At that moment I decided to sign up for the impossible.

I will never lessen the value of running and finishing a 1/2 marathon and the feeling I had that day, but I was instantaneously put into a moment of disbelief before I even finished. How in the world can you continue on after hearing all of that pomp and circumstance? To be honest, I still don't know. The word impossible has been in my mind, but I will let that word depart from my vocabulary today. Today impossible is an opinion. It's a dare.

So here I am on day one, not sure how this is going to go, can hardly hang onto a 45 minute run, but know that there is something inside all of us that is greater than any challenge.

I'll be taking one day at a time and staying thankful for the ability to even train. It could be turning 40, but I'm on a mission to feel life a little deeper this year. I hear that crossing the finish line of a marathon will change your life forever. Between family, friends, a running group, and some awesome work clients, I'm pretty sure I have one of the best support teams you can imagine.

In the next 18 weeks I'll also be compiling a list of 26.2 things that I am grateful for and plan to think of each one of them on their dedicated mile as my feet hit the pavement on November 18th. I'm saving the last 1.2 miles for myself. You don't get anywhere without respecting yourself first.

plan B

This past week while on vacation I had every intention on painting a picture. I arranged the perfect set up by the beach. My paints and brushes, glass of wine and good music. I sat and contemplated as to what to create. I even went as far as asking my Facebook family for suggestions. While they were wonderful, I did end up leaving my week's vacation with a white canvas in tow. The evening I got home from vacation, my friend Rich called to touch base about a Color Run we were running in the next morning. As we were chatting he asked what I ended up painting while away. I mentioned that I came home with a blank canvas. He suggested bringing it to the Color Run. What an idea.

The next day I ran my 5K with a canvas in hand. It was truthfully the most fun run I ever had in my lifetime, and the canvas was a huge hit.

While it's not the canvas image I envisioned, I do know that sometimes you can prepare all you want for the perfect plan, but things may not go your way. Consider that many times the most beautiful (and colorful) things happen when you embrace plan B.


an adventure

Next week I am trading in my computer mouse for a set of paint brushes. They will not be determined by pixel width, but by the amount of mink at the end of a stick. I'm trading in my computer screen for a canvas, and a titanium MacBook Pro for Titanium White paint. Acrobat will be a cartwheel on the beach. An attachment will be hugging my daughters. I'll focus, not only through the lens of my camera, but on the people that are so important to me. I'll run so that I may live harder and breathe deeper. I'll fly my kite and our Nation's flag to enjoy life fuller.

An adventure sets us free and helps us see things a little clearer when we return. I'll be back on the 9th of July with a fresh set of eyes and ideas. Until then, here's hoping you can get out on a little adventure this summer too.

a $10,000 Friday

Do you own a professional photography business? If so, here's your chance to win a complete overhaul of your business and the chance to transform your studio and your life! Silverbox is so excited to be a part of this awesome opportunity in offering up our design services to one well-deserved soul, along with a team of the industry's top experts that will put you at the top of your game! For more information, visit thrivemakeover.com.

The value of this contest is worth over $10,000 in products and services from support and sponsors! What a way to end the week! Good luck!

cute as a button

So excited to show off the sweetest little birthday by Lovely Little Parties. Silverbox designed the invitation and papergoods, Elizabeth at Lovely Little Parties coordinated the event and all it's splendor, and the wonderful Melanie Mauer, captured the day in style with her photography. What a team! We love our Kentucky gals! Additional photos can be found at TomKat Studio.  

Invitations and papergoods: Silverbox Creative

Stripe straws and cups: Shop Sweet Lulu

Cake, macrons and cookies: Martine’s Pastries

Petit fors: Donut Days

Lollipops: Edible Details

Wooden utensils: Think Garnish

smooth serenade

"At Last", here's one very interactive printable for your Valentine.

It's as simple as this... 1. Purchase a favorite bottle of wine. 2. Download a QR code reader app on your smart phone. (most are free). 3. Print the label and affix to your bottle of wine with double sided tape. 4. When ready, scan the code with your phone and place it in your sound dock. It will play "At Last by Etta James". 5. There you have it! We're hoping for a nice glass of wine and a slow dance with the love of your life.


Feeling creative and want to use YOUR song?

1. Purchase a favorite bottle of wine. 2. Download a QR code reader app on your smart phone. (most are free). 3. Find YOUR song on youtube. We betcha it's there. Our code is linked to "At Last by Etta James". Go ahead and use it if you'd like and you're ready to print now. Otherwise there's a blank label to add one yourself. 4. Create your very own QR code of your song by visiting qrcode.kaywa.com. (It's so easy!) Place your code in the space on the empty label we also provided on the printable. 5. Print the label and affix to your bottle of wine with double sided tape. 6. When ready, scan the code with your phone and place it in your sound dock. 7. There you have it! We're hoping for a nice glass of wine and a slow dance with the love of your life.

So you're not a techie and don't own a smart phone or sound dock? No worries, just print the label and write your own little love note in the open space provided.
