Chocolate Happy Cake

You know those types of people you meet and connect with right from the start? I had the privilege of a few of these in my lifetime. One of them being Tracy Colletto. Tracy and I worked together years ago. She often chatted about writing songs in her car. No, not just the lyrics, but the actual melody. I reassured her that most people don’t do that, and that it amazed me. Since then, Tracy has put out two albums with a newly released album last week called Chocolate Happy Cake.

We recently had the honor of photographing her album cover. When we get to collaborate with different types of art– be it music, etc, there’s always a bit of magic. We had dinner together recently and she explained the meaning behind a few songs off her new album. It's the coolest thing ever to get to hear the artist’s perspective.

Without further ado, please welcome my friend and her wonderful new album available for purchase here, or on iTunes.
