colour their world

Here's a colorful list of kiddo activities and more... 1. Pencil Stamping ~

2. Create a paper chain. We used this to decorate our studio at Silverbox.

3. Simply sew together pillow cases and stuff with pillows. Found on

4. Good 'ole mix of candy also found in our studio. Keeping in real and fun!

5. Birthday Invitations by Silverbox Creative Studio.

6. Oreo Pops from

7. Sidewalk chalk party favors by

8. Crayon Apron

rise and shine

Are your kids too young for a sleepover party, and are begging to have one? Rest-assured, we have the solution. How about a Rise and Shine morning celebration? These kids rolled right out of bed and came to the party, bright and early. Breakfast was served in sunny style. The birthday cake?...made completely from donuts, of course! Every gal left with a pair of slippers and eye mask. Personally, one of my favorite parties of all time.