The gift of a Legacy
/Introducing, The Legacy. An exclusive sterling silver jewelry collection designed by Melissa Dew for Silverbox Creative Studio.
Yep, you heard it right! This necklace and bracelet (complete with sterling locket) was produced by some extremely talented creators at Melissa Dew. How lucky are we? We think either would make the perfect gift for Communion or Mother's Day. The jewelry comes complete with the photo or art of your choice.
Need the perfect photo? Oh, you've come to the right place.
silverbox flash drives
/Did you know Silverbox offers video collages? Yep, we do! They're delivered to you on these fancy-shmancy flash drives. Inquire within. Thank you!
Need another reason to have a party? We hosted our first-ever Mixology Party last night. So...Much...Fun! We made up our own rules, and of course, created our own logo. We had four couples, which seemed to be the perfect amount of people. The party ended with another Mixology night on the calender! Here are printable rules and certificates for Best Overall Experience and Most Innovative Cocktail if you'd like to try it for yourself!
fickle pickle parties
/Logo design, branding and product photography by Silverbox for the up and coming Fickle Pickle Parties. We're tickled about this new local party business and look forward to so many colorful events in the near future. We couldn't be happier for this company that's filled with so much passion. All the best sweetest Laurie! What is Fickle Pickle?
Fickle Pickle Parties is dedicated to helping you host your child's party with simplicity and charm. Party packages vary by theme, but most include linens, table setting, centerpieces, three games, music and a large prop perfect for a grand entrance and photo ops. Fickle Pickle Parties have an indulgent appearance, but are justifiably priced. They have many themes to choose from and are always looking for reasons to create new ones. They serve boys and girls from ages 3-13.
you're beautiful.
/Oddly enough my busy Christmas Eve schedule has been halted by a need to write an article. I'm sitting here with wet hair right out of the shower in my robe. My Aunt Lynn shared an article today, and I got to thinking about it more in the shower. Take a quick read and then come back. I've always had these feelings when photographing, but never had the right words to portray my thoughts, therefore so thankful for this well-spoken article. If I had a nickel for every time someone asked to take 20 pounds off of them during a photo session, I'd be a millionaire today. Truth is, my camera doesn't capture weight. It only captures emotion. Listen up, no one sees the weight but you. They see love, laughter, joy, sadness, etc.
I've unfortunately had many occasion of photographing people that left this earth unexpected, shortly after after their photos were taken. Old and young. Do those families left behind see weight in those precious images, the grays coming in, the wrinkle in the shirt? I don't think so. Don't get me wrong, it's a Photoshop, touch-up-world. All I'm asking is when Aunt or Uncle so-and-so asks to take your photo this holiday, give them a great big grin (and mean it).
While my hair is drying in horrible fashion, if I enabled one captured moment, one hug or great big smile that otherwise would have gone astray, then I did my job. Life is too darn precious.
Merry Christmas beautiful people!
Thank you to our Veteran's
/I thought I understood war. I didn't. The powerful experience of The National WWII Museum opened my eyes so much wider to our soldier's sacrifices. More grateful to our Veterans than ever before.