colour their world

Here's a colorful list of kiddo activities and more... 1. Pencil Stamping ~

2. Create a paper chain. We used this to decorate our studio at Silverbox.

3. Simply sew together pillow cases and stuff with pillows. Found on

4. Good 'ole mix of candy also found in our studio. Keeping in real and fun!

5. Birthday Invitations by Silverbox Creative Studio.

6. Oreo Pops from

7. Sidewalk chalk party favors by

8. Crayon Apron


Ok, it's Friday and finally time to get "Bizzie" for some down time. It's been so hot, so if you're in the Philadelphia area, and interested in the best ice cream you've ever eaten, take a trip and visit Custard and Cakes Creamery. It's the best, hands-down!

Whether you're local or not, take my word for it and vote for this wonderful family-run business for Philadelphia's best Ice Cream Shop.