simple slates
When I was a little girl my grandparents had a home surrounded by little gardens created by my grandmother. Each unique in their own way. On the west side of their home was an enchanted plot that seemed magical to me. I'm not quite sure if it was the smell of fresh flowers or the way the sun hit this little piece of heaven. Regardless, the variety of colors along with landscaping created a vision that will forever be embedded in my memory. It truly was a garden that you would have expected to see fairies appear.
This treasure on Earth was separated by a little slate walkway that guided you through it's beauty. Years later after some altering of the garden it was transformed and these magical slates where taken out and replaced by a cement path. Being that my grandfather kept everything, these slates were placed in a little shed for years and stacked, humbly waiting.
When Ted and I bought our first home, I knew I wanted those slates to bless our place of residence and offer the same feeling I had as a child, so we brought each and every one of those stones to their new house and today they sit proudly in front of our home surrounded by love. While I didn't have the camera in hand at age 7, I thought I'd snap a photo of our walk way today. Yes, they're just slates, but oh so much more than that to me.
You hear it all the time, but it truthfully is the little things. Simple slates.