This past week while on vacation I had every intention on painting a picture. I arranged the perfect set up by the beach. My paints and brushes, glass of wine and good music. I sat and contemplated as to what to create. I even went as far as asking my Facebook family for suggestions. While they were wonderful, I did end up leaving my week's vacation with a white canvas in tow.
The evening I got home from vacation, my friend Rich called to touch base about a Color Run we were running in the next morning. As we were chatting he asked what I ended up painting while away. I mentioned that I came home with a blank canvas. He suggested bringing it to the Color Run. What an idea.
The next day I ran my 5K with a canvas in hand. It was truthfully the most fun run I ever had in my lifetime, and the canvas was a huge hit.
While it's not the canvas image I envisioned, I do know that sometimes you can prepare all you want for the perfect plan, but things may not go your way. Consider that many times the most beautiful (and colorful) things happen when you embrace plan B.